Wednesday, 12 August 2020


 SAS-APP Athletes... be ready to go tomorrow morning at 8 AM  on the SMS courts. Check your parent’s email for details. Yes, we will have a Zoom meeting on Sunday night at 8:30 PM. 

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

WEEK #3 - Stay Focused, Keep Training, Do Your Workouts, and Journal

August 2, 2020 - Zoom Meeting Replacement Presentation

Hey Athletes... Stay Tune Please... 

 I have been working everyday to get us registered and organized with BBC and VBC. We want to get started on the courts and on our field next week; so, there is lots to do in order for that to happen. In the meantime, workout, train, journal, set goals, knock off those goals and dream! Dream Big! Even during the heat, train, play sports and keep active. Choose the early morning or evening to do a workout or play sport. Yes, stay cool and have fun during the day, but don’t forget to work on that “Magic.” 

I will do a video post by Friday so check back on this Blog Friday morning, and I hope everyone can make Sunday’s meeting at 8 PM. We will discuss registration with BBC and hopefully VBC, as well as our start up for next Thursday. 

Enjoy the heat, the lake and your time at whatever you are doing this summer. 

Monday, 20 July 2020



Below is part of Steve Nash’s speech directed to today’s youth, the next generation, during his Hall of Fame Induction. Powerful. Insightful. Purposeful. Please listen to Steve’s advice to the youth of today at the end of his speech. Great advice and inspiration! You can see Steve’s full Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony in the Video below. If you want to listen to Steve present his words of wisdom to the youth of today, click on the video below and scroll to 19:38. Watch the video from that point to the end. Enjoy.

“Nash’s most fond memory in the game of basketball didn’t come in the NBA. It was playing for Canada at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney.”

Thanks for all who attended the Zoom meeting tonight. Another good turnout.
REMINDER: Athletes, please check the Tab above - Salmon Arm Summer Athletic Prep Program - weekly for updates. I have posted several videos for you to watch and follow. Please watch the first video on “Magic.” Tim Kight (founder of Focus 3) compares the magic that a magician is able to create to the “magic” that anyone can create in any part of one’s life. He explains how anyone can create “Magic” in any area of life, as long as the individual has the discipline “to do the work, to create the mechanics in order to execute the skill.”
One aspect of our Summer Program is to help and guide our athletes in the pursuit of “Magic” in athletics. As one trains, works out, practices and prepares for volleyball and basketball, and participates in a number of other activities, one’s physical literacy will undoubtedly improve. As one’s physical literacy improves, the individual will gain confidence and help build self-esteem. As an athlete’s confidence and self-esteem improves, they are more likely to develop the behaviours that lead to the Habits of “doing the work, in order to create the mechanics, that allows one to execute the skills.” Athletes who develop confidence are more likely to try different sports and activities.
Watch the second video of the 12 year old girl dribbling. The young athlete shows how “Magic” in the bounce can be created. She didn’t begin to dribble like she does in the video; instead, the young athlete has obviously put countless hours into her craft. As a result, she is “magical” with her dribbling. Anyone can do it. They just have to put in the time and work, and realize that a lot of failure will occur before the “Magic” will take place.
Be patient. Have fun. Do the work. Everyone progresses at their own pace.
REMINDER: Keep a daily workout journal.
1. What went well?
2. What do I need to work on?
3. How can I help others?
ADD TO YOUR JOURNAL ... Goals - Dreams - Aspirations
Habit #2: Begin With the End in Mind ... What does your end look like? Where do you want to be when ... Grade 7 or 8 is over, when you complete high school, when you are in your 20’s or 30’s, etc...? Choose the your “End” that you want to focus on and describe it. What does is look like? How are you going to get there? Set goals, write them down, and share your goals with someone you trust to start. Then, “Do the Work.”
Keep track of your workouts. Record number of shot attempts and makes... how long your dribble workout takes and what dribbling drills you do. How many forearm passes or volleys you do... record your touches and the duration of your workout.
Keep your workouts short and focused... 30 minutes of Bball and 30 minutes of Vball, or 20 and 20.
Have fun and enjoy. Contact me if you have questions...
PS...Set your workouts for basketball and volleyball 3 days per week each. Set a time limit of 20 - 30 minutes for each. You don’t have to do the whole dribbling workout. For the Shooting workout in Basketball, complete 5 shots for each drill/skill for a total of 100 shots in the workout. Get in the Habit of making a schedule and sticking to the schedule. Workout times can always be increased later. The Process requires patience, perseverance, and resilience.

Sunday, 12 July 2020



Below is part of Steve Nash’s speech directed to today’s youth, the next generation, during his Hall of Fame Induction. Powerful. Insightful. Purposeful. Please read. You can see Steve’s full Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony in the Video below. If you want to listen to Steve present his words of wisdom to the youth of today, click on the video below and scroll to 19:38. Watch the video from that point to the end. Enjoy.

“Nash’s most fond memory in the game of basketball didn’t come in the NBA. It was playing for Canada at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney.”

Thanks for all who attended the Zoom meeting tonight. Good turnout.
Athletes, please check the Tab above - Salmon Arm Summer Athletic Prep Program - weekly for updates. I have posted several videos for you to watch and follow. Please watch the first video on “Magic.” Tim Kight (founder of Focus 3) compares the magic that a magician is able to create to the “magic” that anyone can create in any part of one’s life. He explains how anyone can create “Magic” in any area of life, as long as the individual has the discipline “to do the work, to create the mechanics in order to execute the skill.”
One aspect of our Summer Program is to help and guide our athletes in the pursuit of “Magic” in athletics. As one trains, works out, practices and prepares for volleyball and basketball, and participates in a number of other activities, one’s physical literacy will undoubtedly improve. And as one’s physical literacy improves, an individual will gain confidence. As an athlete’s confidence improves, they are more likely to develop the behaviours that lead to the Habits of “doing the work, in order to create the mechanics, that allows one to execute the skills.”
Watch the second video of the 12 year old girl dribbling. The young athlete shows how “Magic” in the bounce can be created. She did begin to dribble like she does in the video; instead, the young athlete has obviously put countless hours into her craft. As a result, she is “magical” with her dribbling. Anyone can do it. They just have to put in the time and work, and realize that a lot of failure will occur before the “Magic” will take place.
Be patient. Have fun. Do the work. Everyone progresses at their own pace.
REMINDER: Keep a daily workout journal.
1. What went well?
2. What do I need to work on?
3. How can I help others?
Keep track of your workouts. Record number of shot attempts and makes... how long your dribble workout takes and what dribbling drills you do. How many forearm passes or volleys you do... record your touches and the duration of your workout.
Keep your workouts short and focused... 30 minutes of Bball and 30 minutes of Vball, or 20 and 20.
Have fun and enjoy. Contact me if you have questions...
PS...Set your workouts for basketball and volleyball 3 days per week each. Set a time limit of 20 - 30 minutes for each. You don’t have to do the whole dribbling workout. For the Shooting workout in Basketball, complete 5 shots for each drill/skill for a total of 100 shots in the workout. Get in the Habit of making a schedule and sticking to the schedule. Workout times can always be increased later. The Process requires patience, perseverance, and resilience.

Monday, 25 May 2020

Week of May 25 to 31, 2020

If you have not seen my video post from last week, please watch and listen to it. The Video is an important message to Players, Coaches and Parents. I present Synergy’s stance on basketball as it stands right now. Synergy supports ViaSport, BC’s Governing Body in charge of  all sports in our province and Basketball BC, our governing body for Provincial and  club basketball. ViaSport’s mandate is to be a voice between the government and sports in our province and help all sports “Return to Sport” through a series of gradual steps with guidance from our Ministry of Health.

PLEASE NOTE: In our coach’s hearts it’s exciting to see and hear that a number of players have been missing basketball and are itching to get back at it.  We love players that want to get better and work hard on their game.  Unfortunately, COVID has tied our hands in many ways this spring. Ways we could never have seen coming.

CHECK OUT: Two new workout videos found in our “Player Workout” Section. Click on the Tab above. Alton Neid presents and demonstrates a great and motivational at home workout; while, Evan Smith demonstrates Part 1 of a three part dribbling workout players can do in the off-season. Both players will be presenting more workouts as they themselves prepare for the USport seasons next Fall. Train with them and get better every day as a player.

Below is part of Steve Nash’s speech directed to today’s youth, the next generation, during his Hall of Fame Induction. Powerful. Insightful. Purposeful. Please read. You can see Steve’s full Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony in the Video below. If you want to listen to Steve present the words below, scroll to 19:38 and watch from that point to the end. Enjoy.

“Nash’s most fond memory in the game of basketball didn’t come in the NBA. It was playing for Canada at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney.”
“The greatest experience of my career was playing in the Olympics for Canada and my coach was Jay Triano. Jay was a hero to me. Recruited me in high school and taught me to love the game. He always said: ‘Shooting is like breathing, you’ve got to do it every day to live.'”
“But it was Nash’s final message that was most inspiring.”
”After thanking his family, he had a message the next generation.”
“Find something you love to do. Do it every day. Be obsessed.
“Balance can come later.
“Use your imagination. Put pen to paper. Declare your intentions. Set small goals. Knock them off, set more goals. Gain more momentum. Build confidence. Grow a deep belief. Outwork people. Play the long game.
“You don’t have to be the chosen one.
“The secret is to build the resolve and spirit to enjoy the plateaus, the times when it doesn’t feel like you’re improving and you question why you’re doing this. If you’re patient, the plateaus will become springboards.
“Never stop striving, reaching for your goals, until you get there.
“But the truth is, even when you get there, even when you get here, standing on thisstage, it’s the striving, fighting, pushing yourself to the limit every day that you’ll miss and that you’ll long for.
“You’ll never be more alive than when you give something everything you have.”

Friday, 22 May 2020

IMPORTANT: Information For All Players and Coaches Reguarding Return To Sport

Please watch and listen to the video below. The information presented pertains to the Provincial guidelines surrounding sport, in particular, basketball, as they stand right now.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. At this time, it is extremely important that we as a basketball club and community follow the guidelines set out by ViaSport. A lot of stakeholders are involved in the sport of basketball provincially and our actions will have an impact on the sport overall moving forward.

SYNERGY ... “The sum of the whole is greater than its individual parts.”
                   ... Act with Integrity
                                                   .... Think before you act
                                                   ... Do the right thing, especially when it is difficult
                   ... Be Responsible
                                                  ... Know how your actions affect others
                                                  ... Treat others with dignity & respect - GOLDEN RULE!
                                                  ... Don’t Freak Out over ridiculous issues or live in a fragile state of
We will return to play and competition one day. Right now, we need to be Poised, Patient, Present, and Positive.

Thursday, 30 April 2020


April 30, 2020

Dr. Dish - Virtual Basketball Camp... It’s FREE. No obligations. No strings attached. Good Camp. Excellent instructors. Copy the link below, paste the link in your search engine and register for the camp online. If you sign-up, please let me know what you think by contacting me through email. Also, please check out the “Tabs” above and the information, workouts and opportunities Synergy is providing to our players.