Thursday, 21 April 2022


 This Friday, April 22, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM, the SMS Gym will be open to our Boys in the Grade 7-8-9 Spring Synergy Program, and to those Gr. 10 and 11 players who have been attending our Early Morning AM Sessions. The Focus at Friday Sessions will be on games/competing. To meet Synergy’s Off-Season Guidelines for Open Gym Sessions, we will begin with 1on1, 3on3, and 5on5 half-court play… after our warm-up. After our mini games, we will gravitate towards full court 4on4 and 5on5 games. Fridays are optional and for those players who want to and are able to get in the gym and take advantage of this great opportunity. Players… please bring a reversible jersey, if you have one. Our uniforms and swag should all be in shortly. Please check this Blog on a regular, weekly basis. 

Monday, 18 April 2022


 Happy Easter Everyone… I hope all had a good few days off and enjoyed the weekend. We will not be holding Training Sessions tonight. With no custodians in the building, we will take the night off. I will be holding our usual Training Session tomorrow morning at SMS from 7AM to 8:10AM, and we will be having our usual evening sessions tomorrow as well. 

This coming Friday, April 22, 2022, I will be running an additional Games/Competition Session for boys in grades 7 - 9, and some girls will be invited as well. More details will be explained to our athletes tomorrow. 

Enjoy today and we will see you on the court this week!