Tuesday, 19 July 2016


This week at the middle school there is a volleyball camp going on; so, there will be no open gym this week.  Unfortunately, next week I am unavailable to open the gym.  So..., at this time I am looking at opening the gym during the week of August 3rd.  I encourage all players to get out on the outdoor hoops to train.  And I strongly encourage players to call all of their teammates to train / play / get together.  It is a fact that teams that are coach driven (teammates only train and get together when the coaches organise activities) are not as unified and successful as those teams that are player driven.  Great teams train together / workout and play together.  I have said this for years... One of the biggest problems with our bball teams in SA is that during the off-season too many of our teammates do their own thing ... teams are fragmented... their is no camaraderie... individuality dominates... Yes... go to camps... play on club teams... however, ... when you are in town... those in town must come together.  Hook up. Push each other. Challenge each other. Compete! Go to the movies... go to the beach... hang out.  Be kids together.  I have always hated the term "Play-Dates" - it is a separatist term... it defines exclusion... it has nothing to do with bringing the whole together.  Some one is always left out.  Teams can't afford to leave individuals out. Teams that stick together are successful.  Include ... don't exclude...  TEAM has to come first.  Get together! You do not need your coaches for that.  Players... take your teams back from adults... unite... ask your coaches to open the gym for the team... explain to them what you want to accomplish together... provide a plan.  Coaches in SA don't like what they see at open gym times... players don't compete... they goof around and don't push each other... Show that you can be responsible and that you can compete... challenge those players who don't compete... hold them accountable... push each other... There's my two cents..., or what it is worth.  Cheers!

Please note:  Our Senior Boy's and Senior Girl's Basketball Coaches are holding "Hoops Are Hot" Basketball Camp at SAS during the week of August 8th to 12th... Grades 8 - 12 will run from 9 to 12 AM and Grades 5 - 7 will run 1 - 4 PM.  More information and details can be found on the Salmon Arm Youth Basketball Facebook Page... If you have any questions, you can give me a call.  It should be noted that the "Hoops Are Hot" camp is a fundraiser for our senior basketball teams. 

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